Welcome to Recovered Paper Journal’s web site. We specialize in recovered paper market and follow the current pulp & paper industrial issues in Japan. Founded in 1992, we have been publishing a weekly exclusive magazine. It has only Japanese edition. Our major subscribers are merchants, paper manufactures, mills, trading companies and local municipalities.
We have analyzed a price movement of recovered paper and collected an original data regarding recovered paper. As part of our work, we have visited many related companies and mills not only in Japan nationwide but also in other countries such as China, United States, United Kingdom, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, India, Indonesia and so on.
Japan has the third largest recovered paper market in the world. We hope to contribute to boost Japan’s industrial presence in the world and promote other countries to collect recovered paper more efficiently and appropriate by heralding our experience and in-depth knowledge.
Company Name | 有限会社古紙ジャーナル社 / Koshi Journal Limited Company |
Address | 1-3-27, Suzaku, Nara-shi, Nara, 631-0806 Japan TEL: +81-742-72-1798 (Japanese Only) FAX: +81-742-90-1461 E-mail: info[at]kosijnl.co.jp ≫ Inquiry Form |
Establishment | 1992 |
Publisher / CEO | Takahiro HONGAN |
Chief Editor | Takahiro HONGAN / Masafumi HONGAN |
Subscription fee | JPY 49,500 / Year ≫ Subscribe Information(Japanese) |
Publication | 2020 Yard MAP (JPY 8,800) ≫ Yard Map Information(Japanese) |
Visited Countries | China (Beijing, Shanghai, Qingdao, Ningbo, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Sichuan, Jiangsu), the USA (Los Angeles, New York), Germany, United Kingdom, Thailand, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong |